You can’t heal anyone unless you allow yourself to be healed

'You can't heal anyone unless you allow yourself to be healed'- Dr Wayne Dyer

This is a powerful message for all of us, especially those of us who are constantly trying to be of support to others.

 We might be:

  • Parents who are supporting their children.
  • Children who are supporting their parents.
  • Spouses and friends supporting each other.

When our loved ones are suffering and ailing, being the loving people we are, we are quick to reach out our hands of support for them.

But an important question to ask ourselves:

Can we give water from an empty cup? Can we give something, we do not have? Can we support others, when we are not supporting ourselves?

 If you want to support your loved one, please ask yourself: 

Am I supporting myself? Am I needing to heal? Am I allowing myself to heal?

So, dear friend, today make a resolution that: 
Let me look within myself and see what I need to heal.

Once we are healed, once we feel the energy flow within us again, we can support our loved ones much better.

 When we make time and effort to heal and help ourselves, we do our bit to raise the consciousness of the world.



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