
Lata Ramesh (MBA, CCHT, CMHT)

I am a certified clinical and medical hypnotherapist and a certified STILL method anxiety coach. I help people overcome life challenges and create the life they want. I have also received training in areas like NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Erichsonian Hypnotherapy, and GEMT (Guided Empathy Meridian Tapping). I  have received training in energy healing modalities like Reiki and  Pranic healing and also in Bach Flower remedies. I do believe in integrative healing and, through my sessions, clients benefit from my skills in multiple healing modalities.

My Background

I grew up in India in a loving and nurturing family environment. I have been blessed to be introduced to a spiritual way of living very early in life. Initially a stay-at-home mom for many years I invested all my attention and time in parenting my children and also developing a deeper spiritual relationship with myself.
I feel immensely grateful for the loving support of my two amazing daughters and an encouraging husband. All these rich gifts from the universe provided me with a strong foundation to pursue the passion I have had for a long time: to help people move towards a state of well-being and reach their highest potential. My passion to help parents in their parenting journey inspired me to also get trained as a Positive Discipline Parent Educator.
It has been my passion to share my experience and my learnings with the larger community so that others also benefit the way I have. As part of fulfilling that goal, I took the training to become a licensed Heal Your Life® teacher and workshop leader at San Diego, California, in November, 2019 and have now been leading Heal Your Life workshops regularly. I consider myself a work-in-progress, constantly endeavoring to move beyond judgement and to recognize the innate goodness within each and everyone. As a hypno-healer, a coach, and a workshop leader, I bring in all of these learnings into my sessions and workshops. More importantly, I consistently make an effort to create and hold a space of compassion, non-judgement, and trust for all my clients. In parallel, I help them question their negative beliefs and habits, while gently helping them steer themselves towards their goals. I am forever grateful to my Spiritual Guru, my parents, my family and siblings who constantly guide me, empower and inspire me in continuing to reach my own goals.

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My Struggle
I have also had my fair share of challenges, traumas, relationship issues and blunders - all of which have brought in the dark clouds in my life. Like a painting that becomes more beautiful with both light and dark colors, the dark spots in my life have added a greater dimension of beauty and a deeper perspective of the ‘meaning of life’ for me. I believe that it is these ‘dark clouds’ that have helped to ‘soften my edge’ and open my heart empathetically.
Those difficult times helped me create an internal space of compassion and understanding, both for myself as well as for everyone else. Over time, I have understood the huge impact that our subconscious mind has on us. The subconscious influences every word we speak, all of our actions and behaviors, all our choices and life decisions.
The Solution
Many many years back I had a back surgery and during the next couple of years I came to the realization that much of my physical issues including pain is connected with my thought processes and emotions. In time I learnt techniques and ways to help myself in the areas of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness through the pathway of affirmations, guided visualizations, subconscious reprogramming and reframing my negative beliefs. Feeding the mind the right food is so important to have a healthy relationship with ourselves, with the world and also with life. I have been highly influenced by my own Spiritual Teacher’s teachings. Also, I have benefited a lot by practicing the philosophy taught by the famous motivational speaker Louise Hay, who wrote the book, ‘You Can Heal Your Life’. All of these teachings encourages us to connect with our spiritual heart and allow for the free passage of love - both the giving and receiving.
The Healing Gym is a safe healing space for those who are wanting to move towards greater wellbeing in their lives. It is a space that promotes self awareness, self acceptance and self-empowerment.
You will be guided by the facilitator and trainer but know that you are the one making the changes. However, it is important to highlight that all healing is self-healing.
Speed up healing
From the moment when we develop a good understanding of our mind, habits, beliefs, and past influences, we can speed up our healing exponentially. 
Self responsibility completes the process. Once we take responsibility for our life, our beliefs, and our internal programs, the healing process is activated and the resultant state of wellbeing is long-lasting.
Real magic is in your hands
If you are desiring to expand your capacity for wellbeing and to reach your highest potential, you will find help and support in The Healing Gym.   

My Philosophy

My Mission
My mission in life is to empower people and help them connect with their own resources within them. Too many of us live life thinking that ‘I'm incapable’, ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I can’t do this’. All these are negative beliefs that are floating in our subconscious mind and we think they are true. They are not!
You might ask, ‘How do I not believe those thoughts?. In the midst of challenges, I really feel incapable. How do I know that it is not true?’
Our innate intelligence
Just contemplate on this: We all have an innate intelligence within us which regulates and coordinates all bodily functions and maintains the body's balance and harmony. We are not consciously remembering to beat our heart or digest our food. It happens automatically, without any effort from us. That perfect intelligence which knows what needs to be done to keep us alive and in vibrant physical and mental health is within all of us.
If this intelligence can guide our bodily systems to function at an optimum level, this intelligence, this life force has the ability to manoeuvr us through life’s challenges, help us reach our true potential.
We do not have to suffer
However, when faced with struggles and challenges, we do not believe that we are powerful. When faced with severe anxieties or crippling situations, many of us assume that we are helpless, that we have to go through suffering. 
No, we do not have to suffer. We can use the extremely powerful subconscious and superconscious to empower us, to guide us and steer us out of those challenges.
Is this even possible?
Is this even possible, you may wonder? Is it possible that we can do something and help ourselves rise beyond suffering. You may think, ‘Maybe Lata hasn’t gone through real traumas! Maybe she hasn’t had the debilitating life situations I am having!’  
Well, I can assure you that I have gone through quite a lot of challenges- traumas, death, health and family challenges, to name a few. And, every time a challenge hits me, I struggle too. I become anxious, I feel incapable and for a while I am lost.
However, because of my training and my rich spiritual heritage, I find myself making efforts to connect with my inner resources. This may take some time depending on the kind of trauma or challenge that I face. But eventually, I do connect to my source of strength and wisdom within me. And, this is what I want to teach each one of you too.
The Healing Gym is a training ground to connect to your innate strength and intelligence
Through sessions in the ‘The Healing Gym’, I help people connect to their innate strength and resources within them. If your subconscious can create so many worries, it can also create pathways out of those worries.
However, this process takes some time. Just like you cannot go to a gym and lift the heaviest weights in a day, just like you need training to strengthen your muscles, we all need training to connect to our inner resources. That’s the kind of training I give in my classes and in my sessions.

An analogy: The man and the mountain

Here is an analogy to explain what I mean by overcoming suffering using the powers of our own subconscious and superconscious mind.
In the image on right side, you see the man running away from a huge mountain of problems. The man feels small, helpless, overwhelmed and feels lost in the face of insurmountable problems. He thinks he cannot handle this and that life is being bad to him. He feels like a victim of his circumstances and doesn’t feel he has the ability to change anything.
In this 2nd image, on left, you notice a difference. The man has grown bigger, The mountain is still there, still the same, but the man is bigger, more empowered and feels he has more resources to tackle the problem. He feels capable and empowered. He knows that the problem or situation may still be there, but he is now a bigger person, more resourceful, more skilled, with a stronger belief in his own capabilities. No longer does he feel helpless or overwhelmed. He is no longer a victim. Rather he is a victor.
The Key is within You !
I always assume that if the Universe has given you a lock (in the form of your problems), it has also given you a key (to those problems) that lies within you. There is no lock without a key. You have the answer to all your life’s problems. In fact you are the answer!.
Here is an excerpt from an article on ‘Lock & Key’……You may ask, I have been searching for the key, but I haven't found the key that will unlock this problem. The question is, are we looking at the right place for the key? Are we looking outside into the world or are we looking inside, within ourselves? The more we practice looking within, we can find the key to any of the locks in our life…. To read the entire article, go here.
Here are some of my core values that I bring to my work. This will give you a deeper understanding of my passion and commitment to the work I do.
Creating a safe space is my priority
The process of accessing your own resources can seem daunting for many. So as part of my sessions, I create an environment of trust, offer my pure intentions for your healing and make my sessions and classes a safe space for all.
In order for you to be receptive to my training you need to feel safe. Safe that you will not be judged. Safe that you are not made to feel inadequate. It’s important that you feel safe to share and also safe to receive. I make this creation of safe space a top level priority. At every point of the healing journey, I ensure you feel safe and comfortable working with me. Safety ensures trust and receptivity which ensures healing.
Love is a powerful healing force
Another core value for me is a genuine loving intention which I offer to my clients and students. I believe that nothing heals like love. A patient going through chronic sickness is more likely to heal when surrounded by a loving family and friends and most importantly a loving and caring medical team. You will always feel that sense of being loved and cared for by me. I pray for each of my clients and send blessings and good wishes to all of them. You can feel my sincerity, commitment and genuine care when you meet me during sessions.
 Intentions are everything, and my intention is to help you connect to your own strength and heal yourself. At some point of journey you will not need me because you have access to your own strength. And on that day, when you do not need me, I truly celebrate along with you.
I encourage self-responsibility
One of the most frequent adages that I express is ‘I have no control over you. You are the only one who has control over your subconscious mind, over your life’. So, if you walk into my sessions and want me to do something to make your problems go away, I shrug my shoulders. 
There is nothing I can do and there is everything YOU can do to help yourself. This is very similar to a gym instructor who can teach you what exercises you should do, what weights to start with and how you should proceed to use them. But the gym instructor cannot strengthen your muscles for you, can she? Finally it is your work, your efforts that will build strong muscles and ensure a fitter body for you. 
Similarly, I am your instructor in the mind gym. I will shine a torch of awareness so you can see clearly what is going on in your own mind. I teach you tools, give you insights and offer a  different perspective. I encourage you by offering hope and guidance. I empower you by reminding you to be diligent and patient. It is a process and once you start the journey, you will reach your destination. However, this can only happen, when you are ready to take responsibility, when you are willing to make efforts and when you are able to trust me. Once you take responsibility, there is no holding you back.
To Summarize...
Overall, my approach to my client sessions and classes is empowerment. I empower using my core principle of spirituality. I also empower using science based tools of hypnosis, reprogramming the subconscious mind and practical common sense based coaching methods. I offer my services flavored with my core values of authentic intentions and a genuine concern for your wellbeing.
Most of all, I know and firmly believe that you are not alone. Your innate intelligence, your higher wisdom within you, watches over you and will help you hold your hand, arise and face any challenge that comes to you. I am merely the facilitator and guide helping you connect to your own higher wisdom.
I welcome you to come and see for yourself, whether I am a fit for you and my work is in alignment with your values and beliefs. Try a ‘no obligations’ complimentary consultation with me. Welcome to The Healing Gym!

What Are You Waiting For?

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