Raising A Good Kid

There are certain categories of children, no parent is happy about: naughty children, disobedient kids, kids making wrong choices and kids answering back……… 

We spend a lot of time correcting our children because we do not want them to have bad behavior or make bad choices. In the process of correcting our children, many of us go overboard. Too much focus on correction, demotivates both the child and the parent.

We might also be so preoccupied with the process of trying to make our child develop good habits, good behavior and make good choices that it’s easy for us to forget that our child is already a good kid.

When we recognize the innate goodness in our child regardless of how the behavior is, that will help the child, too, discover and focus on his/her own goodness.

 Can you imagine what that does to the self-esteem of the child? When the child believes that he/she is a good child, there is an aspiration to live up to this internal image of themselves.

Don’t let yourself become so concerned with raising a good kid that you forget you already have one. ~Glennon Melton

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