Nothing Diminishes Anxiety Faster Than Action- and Other Anxiety Quotes

Anxiety can be pretty debilitating. It can leave you feeling stuck and a greater inability to take action and move forward.
But in reality, moving forward through the fear is the only way out of anxiety. The more we give in to fear, the more we can remain stuck. Truly nothing can diminish anxiety other than action.
When we feel anxious, there is so much more that you can still do: You can stuff to make you more calm; you can reframe your thoughts to look at the situation differently; you can look for resources to harness greater courage.
Look through these anxiety blogs and quotes to give you more inspiration, ideas and courage to take the action that you need to take.

Quotes on Anxiety

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action. No matter what, action is the most important way to help us overcome anxiety.

Are you facing a storm? Keep walking through it. Your rainbow is waiting on the other side.

Every storm holds a rainbow of some kind...but it is on the other side of it. Be patient. Hold on. Keep walking.

Anxiety is a natural process of life. Everyone faces anxiety. It a natural process of evolution.

However, the key thing to ask ourselves is who is in control. Are you controlling anxiety or is anxiety controlling you?

'I cannot control my thoughts', is a common comment from many people. 

The problem with that is, the more we try to control our thoughts, the more we are strengthening those very same thoughts.

All we do is observe the thought and they lose their power over you.

Why do we need to worry about what others think?

Most of the time they are lost in thoughts of what you are thinking about them. Or they are preoccupied in worrying about something else.

Are people driving you crazy? That is so frustrating and even de-energizing, isn't it?

Pema Chodron advises us to look at these people who drive us crazy as our teacher. Ask the question, 'What is this person trying to teach me?'

Freedom is what we all seek. And true freedom is when our minds are free- free from worries, free from overthinking, free from negative thought patterns.

True freedom is the freedom of the mind.

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