Love is something we can choose

Love is an energy; it is also our choice whether we tap into that energy. Just as we choose the energies of anger, resentment or sadness, we can instead make a choice to love. In the hurry-burry of life, most of us don’t even realize that we have these choices. We say things like: *What can I do? He made me angry. *My friend lost her home, that makes me so sad. *She is so terrible to me, how can I love her? Feeling an emotion when we have an experience is normal. But staying with the emotion much after is our choice. One of my fb friends saw a poor taxi driver in India struggling to pay his son’s fees for school. She felt sad. But soon after, she converted her sadness into a much deeper love and shared about him on social media. Within hours he got the money he needed. We always have the ability to convert our emotions of anger, sadness, fear, resentment into love. But we have to make that choice. No one else can do that for us. Today, I make this choice to be grateful for all of you who read and appreciate my posts. I choose to be grateful. I choose to love myself and all of you! 'Love is something we can choose, the same way we choose anger, or hate, or sadness. We can choose to forgive someone who has hurt us and begin to finally . We can choose to be grateful for what we have. We can choose love. It’s always a choice within us'.- Louise hay


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