Honoring the Inner Mother

Honoring the Inner Mother 
 While we all need to acknowledge, honor and feel blessed for our physical mother/ mother-like people; it is equally important to honor and respect and connect with the 'Inner Mother' and we all have that mother within.
***In this article/video, I will share with you more about
* What is the Inner Mother?
* Why do we need to connect to her?
*The benefits of connecting to the Inner Mother
* How can we do so?

Happy Mother's Day wishes to you.

So today I wanted to share a little bit about the whole concept of Mother's day and we know that this is special day for us to remember, honor and respect our earthly mother, our physical mother or maybe a person who is mother-like to us and this is very important. 

We need to have that gratitude. Gratitude itself is such a great blessing for all of us. 

I do know that I miss my mother, she's no longer alive, but I miss her so much and I feel that love and kindness from her. 

While we are honoring our earthly mother, I feel that we also need to honor the mother within each one of us.

Today I am going to share a little bit about the concept of the Inner Mother.

So what is the inner mother and why is it important to connect with this inner mother? I'm going to share a little bit also about the benefits of connecting with the Inner Mother. And finally I'll talk about how we can actually make that connection.

So, let's get started. 

What is the inner mother?

We all have parts within ourselves, we have a part of ourselves which is like a little child-like you know it needs attention, it's very innocent and that part of ourselves is very loving and very open when dealing with people, it is fun like. That part of us is our inner child. 

Similar to that we also have a part of us which is like the inner parent and more specifically like the inner mother and this part of ourselves is very kind, very compassionate, very nurturing and very encouraging, all the qualities that we would like to see in our ideal mother, right? 

And you might say lata, but I don't feel that part within me and I don't think I have that part within me.

So let me ask you a question. Have you ever had a situation where you were compassionate towards anyone else? Have you felt a sense of caring for someone? Have you felt that you ever encouraged someone? It could be a friend, it could be a child, it could be a colleague, it would be a spouse or a partner. Have you ever felt that?

And  if you did feel compassion and care and a sense of nurturing to anyone else, whether it is yourself or someone else we have; that's a validation of the fact that we do have our inner mother.

And this applies to both men and women, to all genders, that when we have that sense of compassion, when we have the sense of encouragement. When we have that sense of caring, we have our inner mother and that's a clear indication of what an inner mother is and all of us have that.

Now let's look at Why do we need to connect to that inner mother right now?

We all have earthly mothers, but we may not have a good relationship with our earthly mother, or maybe we feel a sense of connection and she is very kind. She is there for us when we need it and she's very supportive. 

It is also possible that maybe she's not as kind and not as supportive, maybe we don't have a good relationship and I'm not on talking terms, or maybe our earthly mother is not alive anymore, like in my case she's not there anymore.

And then what do I do?

 I still need that sense of being cared for and feel that sense of compassion from my mother. And that is the direct instance of why we need to connect to our inner mother. 

Even when we have a good relationship with our mom, it makes much more sense to connect with that inner mother. Because what the inner mother can give us cannot be given by a lot of earthly mothers, they cannot be as unconditional and they may not have the ability to be as compassionate as possible.

We all have that inner mother. And when we connect to that inner mother, we can open up that whole infinite source of compassion, that infinite source of encouragement, that infinite source of motivation that is there within us.

I want to bring in this whole theory from the Indian culture about when we talk about the Mother Goddess. So we talked about three mother goddesses, typically in Indian culture, we talk about Mother Durga, we talk about Mother Lakshmi and Mother Saraswati. 

So they are all embodiments of different aspects of the mother and I just want to draw into that, to understand the concept of the inner mother a little bit more. So Mother Durga is that mother who gives us courage, who is the mother of action, she motivates us to take action.

She is the mother who fights for justice, who is unafraid to stand up for herself or for anyone else that she's protecting. She's very protective in nature. And this Mother Durga aspect  is also within us. 

So we have a part of ourselves which is courageous which is compassionate, which is ready to take action. When we connect to this part of ourselves, when we connect to this mother aspect of ourselves, we are able to give ourselves more courage.

 For me, one direct example of that, is being able to do a video like this and be able to speak out what I wanted to share with all of you and that involved crossing so many internal obstacles that I had. What I did was activate or connect to my Mother Durga part of me and she motivated me to take that courageous leap of faith and take that action.

The second Mother Goddess that we have within ourselves is Mother Lakshmi and Mother Lakshmi is a mother of abundance and prosperity.

And when we connect to the Mother Lakshmi part of ourselves, aspect of ourselves, we are able to connect to that abundance in our own lives. We are able to feel that gratitude for whatever we have. We're able to really be focused in all the wonderful things that we have in life rather than being focused on lack.

Instead of complaining about what we don't have, we're able to bring back our focus on all the abundance that is already there, all the prosperity that is already there and prosperity includes not just financial prosperity, it is prosperity of health and prosperity of relationships, prosperity of attitudes and mindsets.

We can reconnect to the prosperity is that we do have, and then we are able to activate and connect to this Mother Lakshmi aspect of ourselves. We are able to activate that.

And there's one more aspect of Mother Lakshmi which is she is the mother of willpower. She's the one who really strengthens our intentions. She's the one who gives us pure intentions and strengthens that intention. So when we connect to this mother aspect within ourselves, we are able to strengthen that that powerful intentions, that positive intentions that we already have.

The third aspect of the inner mother is Mother Saraswati and she is that aspect of the mother who is the mother of wisdom, she connects us to our own inner wisdom, our inner higher consciousness.

She is the mother within who helps us be calm and go to that peaceful place within us; she is that mother aspect, who is able to stimulate our creative juices and help us to really feel that sense of harmony and equality within ourselves. 

So when we connect to this mother aspect within ourselves, we are able to activate those energies and we are able to give ourselves all those, all these wonderful energies and wonderful qualities.

When we connect to these three aspects of the mother, we are able to gift ourselves what it's really not possible for any earthly, physical mother to give us; because no external person can be there for us 24 x 7, being completely compassionate and completely encouraging and completely supportive in the way that we just need. 

It's only our own inner mother that can do that. And so when we connect to that internal aspect of our mother, we are able to do that. Now let me come to the last aspect of it. And you might have this question. But how can we really connect to this internal mother because I want to connect, but I'm not able to connect. 

So I'm going to lead you through a short meditation and as we really get into that meditation and when you're listening to it again and again you might feel that increased sense of connection with the inner mother. (Watch the video to listen to the meditation).

Meditation Script

So I want you to gently close your eyes, take a nice breath and as we get into this calm zone, I want you to bring into your mind the aspect of the mother, the ideal mother who is there for you, this mother who is completely full of compassion, who's nurturing. She is encouraging, who motivates you, who stands up for you, who helps you be in that space of happiness and peace.

 As you connect and bring that image of that mother feel that presence of that mother deep within you, see that image of the mother deeper than you and now notice the energies that are flowing from and these energies are just the energy that you need. Maybe it is the energy of courage that you need now to be able to execute the action and to be able to fulfill your dreams.

Maybe it is the aspect of Mother Lakshmi that comes to your mind and connecting to her stimulates the feeling of abundance and prosperity in your life and strengthens the will to do whatever you need to do. Maybe you connect to the Mother Saraswati aspect, the aspect within you, the mother of wisdom and you're able to really activate and connect to that higher self within you to the peaceful part of you peaceful self.

And that is the gift, the energy, that your mother, your inner mother gives you. And as you allow yourself to be in that space of connection you feel the energy is flowing into you. You acknowledge to yourself, my mother is here right now. I feel connected to my mother, my inner mother, my Divine Mother.

And I am receiving all the gifts that I need right now, gifts of compassion, the gifts of care, the gift of abundance and gratitude, the gift of courage and anything else that I need from my mother. And it is possible that I'm getting this from my physical mother or from someone else around me. But when I tap into the source of this energy within and connect to my own inner mother, I feel and receive that energy in much more intensity and strength.

 As you feel that energy of the Inner Mother, you acknowledge to yourself that you can always connect to her whenever you want. She's right there, right there within you.

And very gently, whenever you feel like it,  you can open your eyes and feel the presence of the mother, feel the presence of your mother within and isn't that wonderful.

And now you can truly truly tell yourself keeping your hands on your chest, Happy mother's day.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for reading! Thank you for being here!


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